Sunday, May 11, 2014

Phil Grout

While searching on Pinterest I found a photo that showed great emotion so I clicked on it and learned the photographer was Phil Grout.  I then checked out Grout's website and found a whole gallery of people.  I love portraits of strangers in their natural state because you can feel their emotions by looking and them and can often fell as if you know them.

She reminds me so much of my mom.  Appalachian Girl  I love this "Old Gal and her cow" Picture taken by wonderful photographer Phil Grout.

Mike Biggs

Mike Biggs is a photographer from Delaware, he has captured many photos along the east coast.  All of his photos are outdoors and usually landscapes.  His photos have great composition with a foreground, middle ground, and background.  He also captures photos of nature and plants up close to show great detail.  I tried to share one of my favorite photos of his but could not copy it from his site so I decided to just share a link to his website.
Mike Biggs Photography


Just wanted to share a cute photo!
i would love to be a well known photographer. #TheRightSolutions #DreamTravelAssignment

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Francesco Scavullo

Francesco Scavullo is famous photography that has shot many famous people such as Burt Reynolds and Brooke Shields.  He started shooting when he was a young boy, he used his father's camera and shot his sister all the time.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange is famous for her great depression photos.  She captured unemployed and homeless people during the great depression.  She developed polo at age 7 but it didn't stop her from shooting.  Towards the end of her life Lange traveled throughout Asia and Europe photographing the people and cultures she encountered.  One of her my famous photos is Migrant Mother as pictured below.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Christine McConnell

Christine McConnell is a photographer, model, stylist, costume and set designer for most of her shoots.  In the multiples photo below she is shown doing all jobs.  She is a very hard working young lady and her photographs are wonderful!

Karl Williams

Karl Williams is a photographer from Scotland.  He captures many warm color landscapes in Scotland and they are beautiful.  His site has tutorials on how to capture and edit photos like him.